Archive for April, 2008

Dance Hmmm

Why is it that the same child who will NOT perform on the last day of musical theatre class will break out dancing in the bread aisle of the grocery store if she likes the song that’s playing?

Musical Beds

Last night I was awakened by Rainbow screaming for me.  I raced up the creaking stairs to find that she had had a bad dream about a bee chasing her.  After searching the bed to ensure the bee was a dream, she drifted back off to sleep as I snuggled her.

So, as is my usual routine, when 5am came, I went back downstairs to turn up the heat and turn on the dryer and lie back down in my own bed while I waited for things to warm up.  Only my bed was now occupied by Dolittle.

Now, I don’t mind that I had to get up through the night.  And I don’t mind that Dolittle decided she’d be cozier in my bed.  What is really bugging me though is that she managed to get all the way down the incredibly creaking stairs without my hearing her.  And I was upstairs at the time… upstairs where there is no hall… just stairs and her room and her sister’s room.  It is just not possible to walk these stairs silently.  I have tried many times.  And I took comfort in the fact that they were so noisy it was like having a baby monitor for night time journeys.  This was going to serve me well in the teen years.  And I slept right through it when it was nearly beside me.  This is really troubling.  I’m thinking my children may need to sleep wearing cow bells now.


In other news, Mother Nature needs a good nights’ sleep too.  It snowed yesterday.  I should not be waking up to snow covered ground on April 25th.  It’s April showers that bring May flowers, not April flurries.  This is just wrong people!  Wrong!

Paper Plates and Motherhood

Recently, while watching television, a commercial for paper plates came on. Smiling, happy actresses mothers positively glowed with enthusiasm about how much happier their lives were now that they had made the good parenting decision of spending more time with their families instead of doing dishes (hence their wise investment in paper plates).

Am I supposed to feel bad for hand washing dishes instead of spending time with my kids? Less wonderful a mother? And if I am, are these negative feelings supposed to inspire me toward your product? Seriously? Someone in an ad agency got paid good money to come up with that concept and expected it to be believable?

These actresses mothers had two child actors kids at most. They weren’t likely to be doing all the dishes in a big orphanage or anything. And looked to be in “homes” that most likely had dishwashers. And/or husbands. And why couldn’t the kids do the dishes with her? (Or him?)

Show me a mama who uses those paper plates to make silly hats and masks while the dirty dinner dishes wait in the sink till the kids sleep or do their homework…

Show me a mama who uses those paper plates to take some leftovers to a neighbour…

Show me how those plates might hold up in the freezer…

But do not show me how I an inferior to an actress and expect me to purchase your product.

I’d write more but I have laundry to do… or was I supposed to purchase disposable clothing for my family as well?

Wordless Wednesday: Meds


I have the congested, hacking, aching, bit of nastiness that is sweeping the land. Every little bit of me aches.  And I cannot stay home today because of work stuff going on.  … Well I could, but it wouldn’t be right.

I have also discovered that Moms do not just get to lie around the entire day and get better when they’re sick.  They are still on call for a wide variety of things, like finding the snacks, keeping everyone on schedule, and soothing broken hearts. 

I really need to go back to bed.  But perhaps some cold medications will help.  It’s going to be a long day.

Wordless Wednesday: Finally

I’m a Loser

Now, last week I did have an interview for an interview… a brief meeting with a company who was trying to determine the short list of applicants they would interview.  Despite the fact that my heart felt like the job had “Sock Girl” written all over it, I’ve not yet heard anything yet so I’m guessing I am not on that interview list.

But this post is not about that.  This is about something far more serious…

I am a loser of epic proportions.  I should change my name to Loser Girl.  And here is why…

I can not win at Tim Horton’s “RRRoll up the Rim To Win” if my life depended on it.  No matter how many coffees I may buy…  No matter how many coffees I may treat others to… No matter that the prize list contains 31,000,000 food prizes alone… I can’t even win a stupid donut.  Nothing.  Zilch.

So… lets just think about this for a minute…. If there are over 31,025,135 possible winning cups… how many loser cups must there be?  Lots.  I’m just saying.

Dear Webkinz World Creators

I have, for some time, felt quite comfortable with my children visiting your site. It is a safe place with its cuddly inhabitants and pre-selected menu of available messages. I have not worried that they would find internet dangers there. I have, however, noticed a couple of things that have me pondering what on earth you may have been thinking when you included these within this safe, comfortable, kid-friendly zone.

First, let’s talk about the “Wishing Well”…


“Wishing Well” is apparently a warm, fuzzy name for “Slot Machine.” ‘Nuf said.

Now, let’s talk about Arte. See the tip can?


I’ve just found out that apparently Arte gives better service with a healthy stream of tips and purchases. As true to life as that might be, tips generally come after a service. “Tips” in Webkinz World is apparently a warm, fuzzy name for “Bribes.”

So I guess I’m wondering if this is your way of marketing to grownups? Kind of like the darker humour that is in kids’ movies that they never seem to get? I’m also wondering if I signup for Webkinz World and tell you I’m an adult can my Webkinz and I have strawberry daiquiris when I play the Wishing Well?

“Adult Beverage” in Sock World is a warm, fuzzy name for “Adult Beverage.” It’s less confusing that way.

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