Archive for July, 2007

Protected: The Job Interview Tale

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Protected: Update on Life

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Protected: Potter Night

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Seven Random Facts

I have been tagged by both Lauri’s Reflections and One Feather Tail to provide seven random facts (sorry for the delay… but I’m having some computer issues):

  1. I adore office supplies. Pens, paper, markers, stickies… ahhhhh!!!
  2. At the office I always use a purple pen. I have several different pens, all with purple ink. Judging from occasional comments, not everyone in the office thinks purple ink is professional. I say pfft.
  3. I have extremely poor number memory. I can’t hold a number in my head long enough to walk across the room. This is why I have avoided history courses at all costs (can’t remember years).
  4. I plan to dress like Prof. Trelawney on this coming Friday night and hang out in a bookstore with two little wizards.
  5. As an adult I still cannot watch scarey movies.
  6. I hate the taste of mint.
  7. I am currently reading No Plot? No Problem! with the hopes of kickstarting a large writing project.

I know I’m supposed to tag seven people, but I may be one of the only ones who hasn’t actually done this yet, so if you haven’t yet been tagged, consider it done.

Island News

It perhaps says a lot about where I live that this is the TOP news story in the local paper today…

City Councillors are apparently upset that the rock band hired to play during the Festival of Lights used the f-word. It’s not very family friendly you see. Never mind that this is not the first time this band has been hired to play this very same festival. Never mind that those really concerned about family friendliness probably don’t take their kiddies to outdoor evening drunkfests.
And while we are on the topic of outdoor drunkenness… there has been a little issue with the park at the end of my street, and underage rowdies drinking and socializing in the night in the park’s gazebo. There was a letter in the mailbox yesterday from the city asking surrounding households if anyone would object if the gazebo was torn down to solve this problem. Yeah… that will stop them. And maybe when they move to the swingset and the monkey bars they’ll tear down those too.
And in other news, the local radio station has admitted that it was a mistake to stop broadcasting daily funeral announcements. The outcry was enough for them to retract their decision and reinstate the announcements. In a place where everyone knows everyone and “who’s your father” is the second question asked when meeting someone new (“how are ya'” being the first), I’m amazed that this wasn’t top story today.
It’s that kind of place.

Getting Wrecked

Lauri over at Lauri’s Reflections recently posted about a site called “I wreck this journal.” I admit, I too am guilty of buying prettying notebooks hoping to be inspired, only to struggle with writing less than perfectly in them. I also admit I struggle writing in ugly notebooks, but that really isn’t the point at the moment.

I have decided to make a wrecked journal one of my summer projects. To that end, today I took myself to the Dollar Store and got myself a hard covered notebook. I also began the process of just creating random “wrecks” in the hopes of unleashing some creative energy.
The first is inspired by a conversation I had with Mrs. Goodwitch.. just a random comment she made… but, in fact, I am still pondering its implications in my life. It is essentially a page of scribbles and doodles as I pondered the phrase.

The second, on a suggestion from the site, was a creation of crayon and tea as I pondered other things.

The girls are enjoying creating their own “wrecks” as well, so I think it will be a fine little project for us to embark on together.

And, I’m a little ashamed to admit, I’m finding the puffed out book… with cover that no longer closes properly, and pages all rippled and less than perfect… oddly satisfying.

An Inquiring Mind

Rainbow seems to be going through a phase where she asks continuous questions…

Suppose we are trying to watch a tv show…
– “What did he say?”
– “What does that mean?”
– “Why would he say that?”
…and so on. So that by the time you have answered each of her primary questions, you no longer know what the plot of the show is about. Making stuff up just causes more questions (ask me how I know).

It is positively excruciating charming, and I’m sure it will serve her well one day presuming we survive the phase.

Tonight’s most obscure question…
What does ‘bated breath’ smell like?

I’m thinking tuna.

Protected: Canada Day 2007

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